Support MGS by Becoming a Member

Membership lasts for one year and offers you the opportunity to engage with the MGS and make a positive impact on our community, whether you're interested in our concert series, community events, newsletter, or supporting our educational programs.

We invite you to become a valued member of the MGS and join us in bringing guitar music to the Twin Cities. Thank you for your support!

Membership levels:
Student $15
Individual $25
Family $30
Patron $50–$199
Sponsor $200–$499
Benefactor $500–$999
Sustainer $1,000–$4,999
Legacy $5,000+

Member benefits

All Members

  • Discounted tickets to our International Artist Series

  • A subscription - and the opportunity to place free classified ads - in our newsletter, Guitarist

  • A 25% discount on a one-year subscription to

Patron Members

  • All member benefits plus:

  • 1 concert ticket to our International Artist Series


  • All member benefits plus:

  • 2 concert tickets to our International Artist Series

Benefactor, Sustainer, and Legacy members

  • All member benefits plus:

  • 4 concert tickets to our International Artist Series

Please note: If you choose to pay monthly (recurring), please enter the amount you would like to contribute each month. (i.e. $5/month = $60 annually – Patron.) Current members will receive email reminders to renew their memberships at least one month before the expiration date.

The Minnesota Guitar Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, registered with both the US federal and MN state governments. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by current law.