The Youth Guitarathon
Guitar students, teachers, families, and friends: Join us at 4 pm on Saturday, May 17, 2025 for the Minnesota Guitar Society’s annual Youth Guitarathon! Together we’ll cheer on the next generation of promising Minnesotan guitarists!
Auditions will take place on April 13 from 1:00 -3:00 pm in the Brady Educational Center at the University of St Thomas.
Students: Our goal is to nurture and encourage all young guitarists. Your audition will take place in a friendly, supportive environment with qualified judges that will provide you with helpful feedback. Then, in May you may get to play on stage, along with your peers, at Sundin Music Hall! The hall is not only beautiful but has amazing acoustics. It’s a fantastic opportunity to show the world what you have to offer, and gain valuable experience performing in front of a live audience. We hope you’ll audition! The deadline for doing so is March 31, 2025.
Guitar teachers: The Minnesota Guitar Society’s panel of judges chooses the concert performers at an audition prior to the event. The audition isn’t a competitive event, and neither is the Youth Guitarathon: no one is ever declared a “winner.” The auditioning panel consists of experienced judges, all professional guitarists from different backgrounds, using criteria like musicianship, skill level, stage presence, and diversity of style. Every young guitarist who auditions will receive a comment sheet from the judges. Please note that, at this event, we will also be presenting our inaugural “Guitar Educator of the Year” award. Information about this award, and the nomination form, can be found here.
Registration for the event is $15. Registration comes with a yearlong membership to the Minnesota Guitar Society.
The registration form and registration fee are separate forms. If there are any issues, please reach out to Thank you!